Annalee Croft PA-C MCMSc

Annalee Toombs is a Physician’s Assistant with a Master of Clinical Medical Science from Barry University. Prior to transitioning to Medical Aesthetics Annalee served as an Emergency Medicine PA-C, during which time she made huge strides in her community and practice.

Annalee is the president and CEO of Shasta Status Med Spa and committed to the empowerment of women by helping them gain to use medical education and Aesthetics medicine to build confidence and better lives. 

“When you look good, and treat your body well you feel good. The way you feel changes how you act. And your actions change your life. I want to use medicine to help women change their lives for the better” 

Originally from Colorado, Annalee is a fan of most snow sports and the great mountain outdoors. She enjoys dirt biking, mountain biking and is a purple belt in Brazillian Jiu Jitsu, a sport in which she earned a world title in 2022. Outside of her thriving aesthetics practice and mount shasta walk in clinic, Annalee is an avid reader, partner to her other half and mom to two white huskies, one cat and a delightfully colorful puppy.